4 Things To Do This Summer As a Teacher!

Teachers work hard all year, take a moment to actually enjoy your summer.

June 29, 2022

Summer is here and school's out! The next two months are yours, so lets make it worth it! Here are some tips to make this summer a great one.

  1. Catch up on Zzz’s 
    Sleep, relax, and repeat! Teachers work hard all year long, forgoing sleep to get things done on time. This summer, get into bed, turn off your alarm, and sleep in. You can even take a midday nap! It is your summer, spend it how you want. 
  1. Get back into your hobbies
    Have a book you’ve been dying to finish? Or half a scarf waiting to be knitted? Maybe it’s a garden in need of pruning. Whatever it may be, enjoy it. This summer, do the things that make you happy. 
  1. Cross something off your bucket list
    Is there a place you’ve always wanted to visit, or an activity you’ve wanted to do? Now is the chance to do it. It can be as small as trying a new restaurant or taking a pottery class. 
  1. Learn something new 
    All year long teachers are going to professional development workshops to improve their pedagogical skills. This summer, take the time to learn something you want to learn! Maybe you’ve always wanted to learn how to paint or cook a new dish, now it’s the time to do it!