Seven Questions to Ask at your Next Parent Teacher Conference

Don't let your next parent teacher conference be stressful, use our helpful questions to guide your meeting!

May 18, 2022

Parent teacher conferences can be stressful for both teachers and parents. Going into your next conference prepared with questions will make it run smoother and quicker. Parent teacher conferences are meant to help you understand your students better, and who better to ask than their parents! Here are some questions you can ask your students’ parents that will show you care about their child. You can pick and choose which ones best fit the needs of your students. 

  1. Is there anything you’d like me to know about your child that would be helpful for me to implement in the classroom?
  2. What are your biggest concerns when it comes to your child’s academics and emotional well-being?
  3. What are your child’s favorite hobbies and interests?
  4. What skills are you already working with them on at home?
  5. How can I make your child feel welcomed and comfortable in my classroom?
  6. What are some strategies you use to help your child regulate their emotions?
  7. What form of communication do you prefer we use to reach out to you?

Asking these questions at your next parent teacher conference can help you gain useful insights into the students you have!