Get your dream job by elevating your EarlyDay profile!
Your EarlyDay profile is a living representation of who you are as an educator. Schools go to your profile to decide whether they want to reach out to you for an interview or not. To make a great first impression, we suggest you make your profile as detailed and welcoming as possible.
To start, the first thing that schools see is your profile picture. Make sure to upload a profile picture that is professional, yet personable. We suggest having a picture of yourself from the shoulders up with a non-distracting background. We also recommend wearing a dress shirt. Try to avoid mirror pictures or pictures with other people in it. Remember, it’s your time to shine!
To make your profile even more personable, add a bit of your personality to your “About” section. You can do that by including a number of things to it. Think about why you want to work with children, and your first experience working with kids. Try to highlight your favorite moments working with children, and how that influenced your decision to become an educator.
Another great feature of EarlyDay is that we verify your education ourselves, so you don’t have to do it every single time you apply to a new job. This is why we strongly advise you to upload your HS/college transcript or diploma onto your profile. Having the verified badge on your profile tells schools that they do not need to ask you again or verify it themselves.
If you are currently in college getting a degree in Education that results in you getting a teaching license, then you should always add which license you will eventually obtain to your profile. Including this gives you a huge advantage over other candidates, even if you don’t have it yet. It means you are on track to getting it, and schools love that!
Lastly, have your experience formatted properly. Always include your job title, the school or company you worked for, and date you worked. Moreover, we suggest bulleting your job responsibilities. Bullets are easier to read and give schools a quick summary of your experience. Each job should have about 4-5 bullets of your most important responsibilities.
We hope that you consider all of our suggestions to elevate your EarlyDay profile! Job searching is no easy feat, and we at EarlyDay strive to help you find your dream job!