Celebrate AAPI Month with this Arts and Craft!

Celebrate Asian American Pacific Islander Month with this fun arts and craft project for your preschoolers!

May 25, 2022

Looking for a way to celebrate the end of AAPI month? Do this art activity in your classroom to show your students how celebrating other cultures can be fun and exciting! 
A lei is a garland or wreath worn around the neck and is mainly found in Hawaii and Polynesia. It is usually made of fresh flowers, vines, leaves, seeds and other plants. It symbolizes peace, love, honor, and friendship, and is typically given during celebrations such as weddings, graduations or dances. 
So why not end AAPI month and the school year with a celebration by making leis! 
There is some prep work required before doing this activity. The teacher or adult will be the one to cut out flowers and hole punch the center. However, this is also a great fine motor skill activity for your little ones since they will be the ones threading the string through the flowers! 
If you decide to do this activity, share it with us and get it featured on instagram @joinearlyday!